pp108 : Modeling Process Monitoring Objects

Modeling Process Monitoring Objects

This topic describes the concept of Process Monitoring Object.

Process Monitoring Object is a set of associated attributes from a business process and the related contextual Web services, which need to be monitored as a logical group. Process Monitoring Object serves as a source for selecting attributes of a Business process and can be used for the purpose of analysis by creating Business Measures (query-based Web services) on it. Business Measure created would then be available for consumption in KPI Editor for closed loop monitoring or on the Dashboard for visualization.

The Process Monitoring Object Modeler facilitates the creation of Process Monitoring Objects and thereby helps monitoring the business process and its activities.

For Example, Insurance claims process may have multiple stages like Pre-processing, Investigation, Processing and Final settlement. There is a possibility that organization would like to monitor 'Investigation' phase as a logical group so the attributes to be monitored from 'Investigation' phase can be grouped as 'Process Monitoring Object' called 'Insurance_Claim_Investigation'. There is a possibility that organization would like to monitor certain attributes as part of 'Insurance_Claim_Investigation' object from external systems which are not part of 'Insurance claims' process but logically make sense to do some analysis based on them. For example, 'CUSTOMER_CREDIT_LIMIT'. This attribute is 'external' to business process and to make it available as part of 'Process Monitoring Object' an external Web service called 'GetCreditDetails (Customer_ID)' can be included as contextual Web service. Basically, all the 'associated attributes' can together make part of a Process Monitoring Object.

Refer guidelines to develop Process Monitoring Object for more information on guidelines for developing Process Monitoring Object.
The high level tasks that you can perform using Process Platform Process Monitoring Object modeler are:

  1. Creating a Process Monitoring Object
  2. Publishing a Process Monitoring Object
  3. Unpublishing a Process Monitoring Object
  4. Editing a Process Monitoring Object
  5. Deleting a Process Monitoring Object

Related concepts

Defining Business Event Responses
Building Business Measures
Composing Dashboards

Related tasks

Creating a Service Group for BAM
Creating a Process Monitoring Object
Deleting a Process Monitoring Object
Publishing a Process Monitoring Object
Unpublishing a Process Monitoring Object
Editing a Process Monitoring Object

Related information

Working with Business Activity Monitoring